Sunday, August 29, 2010

林祥才率团出访 招华资吸纳官股











针对政府官联公司的控制权,林祥才认为,释出官股还能提升官联公司的效率和能见度,他告诉记者:“政府有一股黄金股(golden share)就够了。”


另外,国库控股也在近期透过马友乃德集团(UEM Group),脱售发马(Pharma,7081,主板贸服股)86.61%股权给莫实得(Bstead,2771,主板种植股)。


锁定建筑机械建材金融 冀30中企来马上市




我国目前进行中、且与中资相关的基建工程中,第二槟城大桥就是由马友乃德集团(UEM Group)以及中国港湾联手的工程,中国港湾更在吉隆坡设有办事处。
















Thursday, August 26, 2010














Tuesday, August 24, 2010

林祥才:已進行審核 成績單呈首相署







Kementerian Kewangan Pantau Pastikan Projek Siap Mengikut Jadual

SEPANG, 23 Ogos (Bernama) -- Kementerian Kewangan akan memantau pelaksanaan projek-projek kerajaan bagi memastikan ia dapat disiapkan mengikut jadual, kata Timbalan Menteri Kewangan Datuk Donald Lim.

Beliau berkata ini adalah tanggungjawab kementerian berkenaan untuk membuat pemeriksaan dan pemantauan.

Bercakap kepada pemberita selepas membuat lawatan kerja dan memantau projek pembinaan kampus kedua Institut Penilaian Negara (Inspen) pada hari Isnin, katanya projek pembinaan kampus kedua tersebut yang mengalami masalah kelewatan dalam pembinaan, dijangka dapat disiapkan Oktober ini.

Katanya kontraktor berkenaan telah memberikan jaminan bahawa projek itu yang bernilai RM200 juta, akan dapat disiapkan pada tempoh yang ditetapkan.

Projek itu yang kini telah siap pada kadar 75 peratus berbanding 85 peratus mengikut jadual, tidak membabitkan sebarang pertambahan kos dan ia sepatutnya siap dalam Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan (RMK-9).

Kampus sedia ada Inspen terletak di Bangi dan projek pembinaan kampus kedua berhampiran Putrajaya ini telah bermula pada 2008 dan dijangka beroperasi pada Januari tahun depan.









Thursday, August 19, 2010

New guidelines mulled to help guarantors unfairly blacklisted

DUNGUN: The Government is considering setting up a task force to study how to help those blacklisted because they had stood as guarantors for borrowers who defaulted on payments.

The biggest problem for these guarantors is difficulty in securing loans, said Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Donald Lim Siang Chai.

Currently, the guarantors are jointly blacklisted with the principal borrower in the Central Credit Reference Information System (CCRIS).

“We have to revise the whole system so that these guarantors are not unfairly punished.

“Other countries in this region have reviewed their approach in managing loan defaulters, and it is time for us to do the same,” Lim said after attending a Hungry Ghost Festival organised by the Yu Lan Association here on Wednesday.

Financial institutions often rejected loan applications from those blacklisted as guarantors even if the amount was minimal. Bank Negara has taken several steps to protect the guarantors.

It was previously reported that the number of bankruptcy cases nationwide had risen from 70,009 in 1999 to 106,000 in 2003, with the figure recently soaring to 160,000 – many of them having stood as guarantors for others.

Lim said financial institutions found it easier to go after the guarantors instead of trying to locate the principal borrowers.

“This we feel is unfair; the guarantors who were blacklisted are denied any form of hire-purchase loans,” he said.

Lim added that the growth of small and medium industries was hampered because of the difficulty faced by some business owners, who had stood as guarantors for defaulters, in securing loans from financial institutions.

He said he had instructed his officers to re-evaluate the CCRIS system to check whether the system was updated regularly.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010













Thursday, August 12, 2010






Monday, August 9, 2010





“為改善馬股流通量,政府投資臂膀如公積金局、國民投資機構及朝聖基金(Tabung Haji)過去2個月,已頻頻釋出手上政聯企業(GLCs)持股。”

















Speech at Financial Market RPT Conference

Ladies & gentlemen and friends of the media, a very Good morning to all of you!

First of all, I would like to thank CFA Malaysia for giving me the honor to deliver the opening speech. From my understanding, CFA Malaysia is a member society of the CFA Institute. CFA Malaysia is a young and vibrant society with 400 members. Its members consist of investment bankers, portfolio managers, security analysts, investment advisors, and other financial professionals.

This morning, I am pleased to see that CFA Malaysia is taking the initiative and the lead to promote the Malaysia stock market by providing the participants with a better understanding of the Related Party Transactions, or known as the RPT regulatory framework in Malaysia, as well as to examine some cases in the overseas market.

Quoting what our Prime Minster, YAB Dato Sri Mohd Najib Tun Razak said: “There can be no fully developed Malaysia until we have finally overcome the nine central strategic challenges that have confronted us from the moment of our birth as an independent nation.”

And of the nine central strategic challenges, one of them is “the challenge of establishing a prosperous society, with an economy that is fully competitive, dynamic, robust and resilient.”

A resilient and competitive economy will also hinge on the efficient functioning of the banking and capital markets to help facilitate fund-raising and investments and ensure a strong investor confidence in the economy.

In order to build up a robust stock market, investor confidence, both from the local and foreign, there is a need to be firmly established a good regulatory framework that will provide adequate protection to investors without being unnecessarily restrictive and stifling. All directors of the listed companies should be fully aware of their role as stewards in protecting shareholders’ interest and creating shareholder value, in particular the interests of the minority shareholders.

In this respect, Related Party Transaction or RPT, is one of the areas that one needs to pay special attention to. The nature of some listed companies, especially in the Asian model, where a substantial stake may be in the hands of a controlling or major shareholder such as the entrepreneur who founded the company or the state, continue to make RPT an area of focus for regulators. Not all RPTs, of course, are cause for concern, only those which are regarded as “abusive” where minority shareholders and investors alike may be taken advantage of to their detriment and often the detriment of the company itself.

In my view, there are 3 major issues to pay attention to in an RPT, these include if the corporate proposal comprises proper and profitable business activities for the acquiring company to be participating in, does the company have any viable alternative in whom they are proposing to transact with and if they have all the pertinent information been properly disclosed to enable informed decision making by the shareholders?

In this regard, it is heartening to note that Bursa Malaysia has put in place a robust regulatory framework to govern RPTs that is in line with the recommendations made in the Guide on Fighting Abusive Related Party Transactions in Asia, issued by the OECD in September 2009. Bursa has been also vigilant in enforcing its rules on RPTs. While a sound regulatory framework coupled with stringent enforcement is essential to safeguard investors’ interests, it is the directors themselves who can make a difference to curb abusive RPTs. This is where the independent directors must stand up and be counted. They should serve as effective watchdogs against RPTs that are not in the best interests of the company. They must ask those difficult questions of the board of directors, including those that I have earlier posed.

For today’s conference, two of the CFA guest speakers will focus on to shed some light on some of these issues.

Thirdly, Malaysia needs to build and amass its human capital quickly the economy growth and put Malaysia on par with the developed nations. The government views the need for a strong human capital development to take on the new challenges as we move into a more knowledge-based economy.

Take an example of our neighboring country, Singapore. It has 5 million populations and CFA Singapore has more than 2,300 members. But if we look at Malaysia, with a population or more than 27 million, 5 times more than the size of Singapore, we only have about 400 members who registered with CFA Malaysia. This is only about 17% of the size compare to CFA Singapore! This certainly does not work in the favour of the country in propelling itself in the capital arena.

I hope that CFA Malaysia and others financial professional societies, will continue to put extra effort to assist the government and to shoulder the responsibility in fostering and nurturing our local young Malaysian professionals and together we place Malaysia in global investors’ map.

For the media, my message to you is, it is the government aim, to develop a fair, just and transparent capital market, and we need you, as a financial journalist, to play the impartial role to disseminate the correct information, to educate and protect the investors and to promote the country’s capital market.

Putting all together, in the 1Malaysia spirit, we are confident we can achieve our national goal to be a developed nation by 2020.

Thank you.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

新机制节省时间成本 商业贷款申请统一简化














林祥才今天在部门主持财政部与商业银行和中小型企业对话会,收集意见,为2011年财政预算案好准备。 会议历时约3小时,共有22个单位参与,包括国行、大众银行、联昌银行、中小型企业银行、中华总商会、华总、中小型企业公会、厂商公会、印度人工商会、马来人工商会等。


中小企业银行仅拥13亿 林祥才:不能应付融资

(布城6日讯)财政部副部长拿督林祥才说,政府将重新检讨国内的中小型企业银行(SME Bank)功能,并将探讨如何提升该银行资金,以提供足够融资予中小型企业。


















Saturday, August 7, 2010










Thursday, August 5, 2010

GST Aims To Help Country Achieve Developed Nation Status

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 5 (Bernama) -- The goods and services tax (GST) aims to restructure the taxation system to help the country achieve developed nation status.

Deputy Finance Minister, Senator Datuk Donald Lim Siang Chai, said Malaysia needed to a new consumption taxation that was fair and customised to meet the local needs.

"Over the years, the financial and the business sectors have changed.

"Likewise, we too have to evolve the taxation system to meet this changing environment," he said at the forum organised by KPMG Malaysia and International Tax and Investment Centre.

Lim said the implementation of GST would help the country reduce its deficit and would have little impact on the consumer price index.

"The need to implement GST will have a long-term effects on Malaysia but it is a necessary to move towards developed nation status and to stimulate competitiveness," he said.

He said the government would educate the business community and public on the GST and its impact.


林祥才:8成企业缺认知 将加强讲解消费税







此外,财政部也与个单位探讨消费税落实机制,透过聆听与反馈,制定大家皆可接受的“消费税收”(consumption tax)。








他是“2010年国际间接税论坛”主讲人之一,在开幕礼之前上台演说时表示,执行消费税后,消费者物价指数(CPI)预料稍跌0.08%至2.71%;类消费物价指数(Components in CPI)料微扬0.67%至2.21%。


















Opening Speech at International Indirect Tax Forum 2010

Good morning.

I am delighted to be here today to officiate the International Indirect Tax Forum 2010 organised by the International Tax and Investment Centre and KPMG. I understand that this forum is part of the ongoing programmes of the Asia Tax Forum. Malaysia welcomes this initiative as it is critical that issues pertaining to taxation, especially with sweeping changes planned for Malaysia in this sector, be discussed and debated in detail to ensure no stones are left unturned as Malaysia modernizes and evolves into a developed nation in the future.

I have studied the agenda for today and I congratulate the organizers for this great effort. Many eminent speakers have been lined up to add tremendous value to discussions of great importance to Malaysia. I hope each and every participant today gains knowledge and new perspectives on the critical topic of GST.

This is a topic of great interest not only to the Government but to industries, enterprises and even the man-on-the-street. Suffice to say, we need debate and exchange of viewpoints to help us make the right decision for the long-term interest of the nation and to stimulate competitiveness.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The concept of a consumption tax on goods and services is not new in Malaysia. In fact, Malaysia introduced the sales tax of 10 percent in 1972 and service tax of five percent in 1975. The system worked as it were since then, in a world that is not as open and borderless as it is now.
Over the years, the financial and the business sectors have changed, likewise we too have to evolve the taxation system to meet this changing environment.

Some of the structural weaknesses were identified. For example, the base for collecting the taxes is a narrow-sales tax and is only collected from licensed manufacturers while service tax is only applicable on certain types of taxable services. Even though the tax is in principle a single stage tax, the lack of any credits lead to it being a cost to business. This leads to a cascading and compounding effect of the taxes.

On the other hand, due to the same reason of embedded taxes, exported goods and services may not enjoy full tax relief. Also, leakages from the tax net due to transfer pricing and other schemes.

The Government is very aware that the system of indirect taxation needs to be modernized, and we have started exploring some form of value added taxation system such as GST since the mid 80s.

Today, more than 140 countries have implemented some form of value-added taxations or GST. Practically almost all ASEAN countries have adopted GST, except for Malaysia, Brunei and Myanmar. We have sent our working teams to these countries and other developed nations to study their models and systems and the applicability factor in the Malaysian context. Ultimately, Malaysia wants to develop a system of consumption taxation that is more equitable and customized to local conditions and environment. This is why we are happy with the organizing of this workshop, the International Indirect Tax Forum as a very important platform for discussion.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Since the current sales and service tax are at rates exceeding the GST proposed rate of 4%, the final prices of these goods and services are not expected to see an increase. The prices of goods and services which currently have little or no taxes will increase slightly. Some goods and services will be exempted from GST and others taxed at a zero rate. The latter category will cover essential goods and services; the measure is to shelter the lower income group from the effect of the tax. The list of exempt and zero-rated items has yet to be released.

Businesses in general need to understand the detailed rules and consider how these would apply to their own business operations.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Government has been very proactive in consulting with industry, consumers and other key stakeholders before deciding on the best way to implement GST in the interest of transparency and minimal disruption or impact on business and society. The last few years have been very significant in regards to the hard work put in by Ministry of Finance, Customs and other relevant Government agencies striving to achieve the nation’s aspirations in this regard.

Some of the works the Government has done and is doing to advance the cause of GST implementation are like: The GST Bill was tabled in Parliament last December, was set for a second reading in March this year, but it was postponed as the Government wanted to get more public feedback. The ICT system overhaul to reflect the impending changes are almost completed and nationwide training of the relevant civil servants directly involved in administering as well as dealing with GST are ongoing. Education programs are conducted constantly in order to raise public awareness on the nature of taxation and its impact on their lives. And the list goes one.

It will cost an estimated RM222 million to implement the GST. The preliminary cost to implement the GST includes RM139 million for computerization and RM83 million as operational costs for the Customs Department to be the implementing agency. Government had set aside an allocation in this effort to ensure the smooth and orderly implementation of GST.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Government views GST as an important instrument to broaden the tax base in the country and to help reduce the national deficit. GST is a system of consumption tax which is more comprehensive, efficient, transparent and business-friendly. It is important for me to stress in clear terms that GST is a replacement tax – it is not a new consumption tax. With the introduction of GST, the current sales and service taxes will be abolished.

Our studies have indicated that the new system will help the Government collect an additional RM1 billion in the first year of implementation compared to the current sales and service tax model. There will be very little impact on the Consumer Price Index, due to the broader tax base and the inherent efficient nature of the GST.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Before I end my speech let me add that the move towards GST is a very significant step for Malaysia. The change in the tax landscape would have long-term implications to all of us but it is a necessary step as the nation progresses forward to achieve developed nation status. GST is just one part of an overall sweeping plan to restructure the country’s taxation system – both direct and indirect taxation models. The Government continues to be transparent in initiating these changes, with both the business community and the public aware of these developments.

Thank You.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Opening Speech at CFO Summit 2010: CFOs in a Golden Age

Firstly, allow me to express my thanks to the Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute (ASLI) and ACCA for inviting me to deliver a few words at the inaugural Regional CFO Summit 2010. May I also extend my congratulations to ASLI and ACCA for constantly organising events for the dissemination of knowledge and progress in this sector.

Today’s forum certainly zeroes in on a topic that is gaining in popularity and relevance – namely, the ascension of the chief financial officer or the CFO to the top ranks of corporate organisations, and the benefits that he or she can contribute in the CFO’s expanded role of strategy and leadership.

Personally, I believe that the higher demands being placed on CFOs are a direct consequence of the exceptional times that we live in. The effects of the recent global crisis are forcing economies and businesses to reexamine their prevailing models and to reinvent them to become more responsible and efficient. Austerity, frugality, conscious are the slogans of the new mentality that has emerged post-recession. People are tired of the excesses of greedy corporations – which were at the root of the crisis in the first place and caused a financial meltdown – and this mindset is fueling a return to the fundamental values of integrity optimistically, the implementation of better governance and good behavior at both the enterprise and sovereign level.

If adding value, good governance and innovation are among the new job specs for CFOs, it is clear that the CFO is no longer just the traditional finance personnel. He or she is no longer a pure number-cruncher but a jack of all trades and disciplines.

This multidisciplinary CFO is not only the guardian of finance. He or she is also a top-level strategist, being empowered to value adding and identify value drivers which can grow revenue and profits in sustainable ways. Recent findings from the 2010 IBM Global CFO Study supported this. IBM surveyed over 1,900 CFOs and senior finance executives from around the globe and found that “Playing their part in the wider corporate strategy is now the top priority for CFOs who no longer rank cost reduction at the top of their agenda.”

IBM’s study noted that the efficiency of the “new” CFO will pivot around how well he utilises information. How does the CFO gather, digest and deliver complex information and messages fast, accurately to both internal and external stakeholders, and act on said information to enable decision-making, is a vital ability given that we live in the Age of Information and interconnectivity.

Looking at the CFO Forum programme, it is clear that the first two sessions in today’s forum will address the different dimensions of the CFO’s changing role – and assess whether incumbents today measure up and how they can grow to fit the new requirements. Subsequently, CFOs will get an insight into the global economic trends, in particular an assessment of the risks of the dreaded double-dip recession. Getting a balanced view of the global economic outlook is essential if CFOs are to provide accurate strategic and financial advice to their companies going forward.

Apart from technical skills and wide business experience in his sector of choice, the route to success for the new breed of CFOs lies in gaining the professional and personal skills to manage relations and optimize networks for better results. A recent survey by global executive search firm identified three key competences for successful CFOs. The first is the ability to influence and collaborate with the CEO. Along with leadership skills, the CFO will thus have to learn strong strategic thinking skills in order to serve as an effective business partner.

The second competence is to build strong relationships with investors, opinion leaders and other influential stakeholders – as well the board. The CFO will have to walk a fine line between building this web of collaborations, while ensuring genuine objectivity and independence.

The third key competence for top CFOs is the ability to deliver business results. Good strategic-thinking CFOs will adopt a cautious but entrepreneurial approach to risk. Beyond just reporting on historical performance, CFOs will be able to build business models, and project forecasts based on anticipated trends supported with high-quality financial information and useful value indicators.

As the guardian and watchdog of finances, it is up to the CFO to ensure compliance in form and spirit with financial reporting standards, which is one of the cornerstones in high quality financial reporting. This should be an ongoing process and not left until financial statements are audited at the end of the financial year.

Ladies and gentlemen,

CFOs can also contribute to improve corporate governance through serving actively on boards as vigilant independent directors. Today, boards suffer a surfeit of quality problems and one solution would lie in improving the calibre of people in charge, or the so-called tone at the top.

Independent directors play a significant role in upholding governance, both locally and regionally. Here in Malaysia, a lot of attention has been called recently to enhancing the calibre and enlarging the pool of independent directors to improve board performance and eradicate existing governance weaknesses.

To solve this problem and get rid of the rot, initiatives taken to overcome the shortage of competent and qualified corporate directors in Malaysia. The Security Commission has stated that it will be working closely with the Minority Shareholders Watchdog Group (MSWG) and the Malaysian Alliance of Corporate Directors (MACD) to explore ways to centralize the repository of competent and qualified people who can serve as directors. Indeed, I understand that ACCA Malaysia has signed an MOU with MSWG to enable the selection of qualified accountants – which would include CFOs - as independent directors. Of course, for this process to work effectively, there should be clear guidelines for eligibility for candidates to be admitted to the proposed pool of directors. In addition, a thorough and open vetting process at the selection stage itself is fundamental if this initiative is to take off.

Putting the right person in the job - or in this case on the board, who is a talented individual with an underlying sense of honesty and responsibility is the key to high-quality corporate performance. Likewise, putting the right person in the CFO position is also critical to high-quality corporate performance.

I hope that today’s forum will offer you some fresh new insights into exactly how the CFO – as the co-captain of enterprise and business vessels – can become this beacon to guide businesses through risk-laden waters to achieve a more stable and prosperous outcome.

On that note, ladies and gentleman I take great pleasure in declaring the Regional CFO Summit 2010 open.

Thank you.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010





















Monday, August 2, 2010

林祥才:有問題必伸援 漁農民可求助馬華


























林祥才吁中餐业者 争取广泛食客认同









